For a state that is often the butt of jokes by those who know nothing about us, New Jersey is certainly getting a ton of good press coverage due to the unwavering fiscal responsibility being shown by Governor Chris Christie. The latest bit of praise for New Jersey comes from Investor’s Business Daily which wrote the following about our Governor:

Chris 'The Boss' Christie
The next time some of the more cowardly Republicans in Washington forget what they were elected to do, let them look to New Jersey and listen to the boss.
And ain’t that the truth, huh? I’m so sick of hearing about how the people in Washington, DC are deficit spending (i.e. spending our future tax dollars that haven’t even been collected yet). I’m so sick of hearing about how all of these government support programs are going to go broke before I’ll ever have a chance to access them as an older person or a person in need. Enough is enough. There are millions of people across this country, like me, who voted for change in the last Presidential election. What did we get? We traded a big spending Republican President for an even bigger spending Democratic President. It’s crap.
Real change has to start somewhere and it is starting right here in New Jersey. Governor Christie is doing to this state’s budget what we hope the 112th Congress does to our national budget – make the income match the expenses or (even better) make the income exceed the expenses. It’s not that hard, folks. It’s Budgeting 101. If I can make these types of budget decisions on a daily basis in my household, then why can’t the people in Washington, DC or the people who used to run Trenton make these decisions, too?
It’s a very simple procedure: if you have ten dollars and you want to buy something that costs fifteen dollars, you can’t afford to buy it so you look for an alternative or you wait until you have enough money to buy the item. Our Governor, Chris “The Boss” Christie, knows this and I’m glad that he’s bringing this fiscal responsibility to Trenton. Lord knows that this state needs it!