Many of my readers have been along for the ride for the full duration of this accelerated student loan repayment plan. And I understand that many of you find yourselves inspired by my progress in repaying these student loans. Well, I wanted to share another great little “feeling of accomplishment” moment with you. Below you’ll find a cropped screenshot of the confirmation page for the last student loan payment that I’ll ever make. Go ahead, take a look and let it soak in just like I did:

A screenshot of the confirmation page from my last student loan payment ever!
Setting up that payment for August 19th felt pretty good. Granted, I probably won’t be able to make any big announcement about my loans being fully repaid until a few days after August 19th, but now I know that this repayment is really just days away from being over. And it feels pretty good!
It reminds me of when I sent the last check to the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority. Of course that feeling of relief was intertwined with the joy of no longer having to deal with rude, arrogant people at NJHESAA. I’ve never had a problem with MOHELA or the USED before they sold my loan. It was a pleasant experience. You know, “pleasant” in that the people were good to work with and responsive on the phone and via e-mail. I mean I could use all of that money that I paid in student loans if the government wants to give it back!
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