Just a brief background for this entry… I was born in Manhattan and moved to the northwest part of New Jersey when I was seven years old. I stayed up there until I left to go to college at Monmouth University in the fall of 1999 and, except for one summer, I’ve been living in the Monmouth County area of the Jersey Shore ever since. In other words, I live in a part of the world where when it comes to the NFL, you’re either a Giants fan or a Jets fan. Me? I’m a Giants fan. So that’s your background for this story.

From Garfield High School...
After the game, a Facebook page that purports itself to be Austin’s official page had this to say:
My passion for football began at Garfield.. not sure why yall are so upset that I repped them for once instead of Monmouth. Yall should know I love MU and always will.. But without Garfield and the support I received there, I woulda never made it to Monmouth. Kids need to know that high school is a time to find your talent or passion and run as far as you can with it.
Now, I’m not sure if this is Austin’s real Facebook page or not, but the blurb above makes sense in my world. Of course, before Austin posted this on his Facebook account, I commented about how hilarious I found the whole situation. In the comments following my blurb, I wrote the following:
[My Roommate] and I figured that thousands of MU alumni started laughing out loud when he said “Garfield High School” while dozens of MU employees and administrators were confused as to why someone would do that in the first place!
And this point is the crux of this entry. I guarantee that all of the idiot “yes men” ass kissers that I went to college with had no idea why Austin wouldn’t even consider announcing himself from Monmouth during that opening game. I also guarantee that some exorbitantly paid administrators at Monmouth who are so full of their own bullshit started to panic after hearing “Garfield High School” during what should have been the shining moment of their delusional impressions of my alma mater. The fact is that many of the folks working in the administration at Monmouth are out of touch with the student body. And when they need to get student opinions on issues and items, they choose their “yes men” and ass kissers to provide feedback for the general population. It’s useless.
Oh, and I speak for a super-majority of the current students and alumni from the school? How do I know that? Very simple. I looked at a copy of Monmouth University’s most recent results on the National Survey of Student Engagement. One of the questions asked, “How well do students get along with administrators and staff?”
The answer?
Some 35% of first year students find the administrative personnel and offices helpful, considerate, and flexible. Gah! If 35% of my clients thought that I was helpful, considerate, and flexible to their needs I’d get fired on the spot! Because if 35% think that you’re great, then 65% want to bang their head into the wall each time they deal with you!
Anyway, for the reason that Austin stated in his Facebook update and because of the results of the national survey – and for the many less-than-pleasant encounters I had with the administrators over there when I was an undergraduate – I’m glad that Austin said he was from Garfield High School instead of Monmouth University. It serves them right. There’s clearly a disconnect that the university isn’t addressing and, quite frankly, doesn’t seem to know how to address.
So for this Giants fan, my favorite Cowboy is Miles Austin. And that’s in light of the fact that Tony Romo and I are in the same fraternity (Sigma Pi Fraternity)!
Joe – I hope you noticed that the national average of all students surveyed reported 36% of first year students find the administrative personnel and offices helpful. Does 35% at Monmouth indicate a real disconnect from reality?
Is this a Monmouth problem, or just the way freshmen view administrators. Just saying.
Hi Snidley,
I definitely noticed that statistic and I think that this is absolutely a nationwide problem.
You should know your “favorite” player better. This is NOT the first or only time he has said his high school over MU. He does it deliberately. It is entirely his choice and you can say whatever you like about the administrators but the truth is, no one in college cares about the administrators. You are there for an education (provided by the teachers) and, in his case, to get an opportunity for a professional career. A career that would not have been afforded him had he never gone to Monmouth. Ask him where he ate dinner every Sunday night when he played college football? I bet it wasn’t in Garfield.
Nothing like commenting on a year-old post like it was posted up yesterday (can’t read dates, huh?). And then, to offer comments that have no relationship to the point of the post that you’re commenting on – congratulations for weirdest comment of the month. Good for you, natalie. Good for you.