We have all different types in the Garden State. I’m sure that you’ve heard about these idiots on the news: “Adolf Hitler, Sisters Taken from Parents’ Home.” Yeah, because naming your kids Adolf Hitler Campbell, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell is normal. It’s unbelievable that these parents did this to their children. I had a conversation with a friend of mine on instant messenger the other day about this – here it is for your reading pleasure.
Justin: I wanna read about Adolf Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe: Go get Mein Kampf
Justin: But I don’t speak Spanish
Joe: Exactly…
Justin: You wouldn’t deny a request from one of your most loyal visitors, would you?
Joe: I’ll put it in for a future entry
Justin: Define future entry…. as it relates to New Jersey law
Joe: Something before the end of the month
Justin: Hmmmmmm….. I’ll allow it. You’ve got some good leads already. That family has been in the news twice in the last month. Once for the bakery not writing “Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler” on his cake and then now for the kids being taken from the parents
Joe: We’ve been following it here in NJ
Justin: It’s kind of like pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for birth control b/c of their beliefs…. except on a much smaller scale
Joe: Kinda – it’s a little bit different in that one act perpetuates the largest mass murderer in modern times and the other act perpetuates a religious belief.
Justin: Yeah. But the central question is: Does the worker have a right to deny the customer something they are ‘entitled’ to? (for lack of a better word)
Joe: Who said they’re entitled to it? Shop-Rite is a privately held company and they denied a client a service – they have a right to do that.
Justin: Well, the customers think they are entitled
Joe: The customers are wrong.
Justin: What I wanna know is why the family couldn’t write it themselves on the cake, lol, it guarantees satisfaction and it’s cheaper! We did it all the time when we were younger
Joe: Because they wanted the media attention
Justin: Yeah, and now the kids have been taken, but the NJCPS said children are never removed unless the have been abused in some manner
Joe: They probably have been abused. If you’re fucked up enough to name your kid Adolf Hitler, you’re probably fucked up enough to stick a finger where it doesn’t belong.
Justin: LOL
There you go – a conversation about one of the most messed up families on the entire East Coast!
Naming your kids after Hitler and friends is abuse enough in my eyes. Abuse doesn’t have to be physical. Imagine the hell these kids are going to go through as they work their way through life. I’m sure there will be some beatings to go with it so you’ll have your physical component, but…Jesus Christ.