Sometimes I really wish that I was told that Howard Stern and his crew of miscreants would be taking off most of the summer before I purchased my Sirius Satellite Radio and subscription. The Stern crew just took off the last week…and I’m not sure why. They took off the first full week of August and the last full week. And I’m sure that they’ll be off next week, too (because why would you take off Monday for Labor Day and then only work a 3-day work week?).
Bear in mind they also took off the first two weeks of July. Ummm…that’s four full weeks off in the summer months. I know that Howard’s brainwashed fans will say that he’s earned the break, but there are many millions more of us who are just fans of the show and feel like they’ve been sold a bill of goods with the Howard Stern gang. We were told about commercial-free radio before he made the jump – we now get frequent 15-minute, non-live content breaks in the middle of his shows.
We were told that the show would be in the studio on the occasional Friday to surprise the audience. Bullshit on that! He spent a few Fridays in the studio when he started Sirius – more than two and a half years ago now.
Then we were told about all of the great content that we’d get after Sirius XM and Stern bought back his tapes from CBS Radio/Viacom. What do they give us? A completely randomized selection of shows from all over Howard’s history with no rhyme or reason as to why they were playing certain shows. This crappy “Master Tape Theater” was so poorly received that the Stern folks were forced to move it into some weird Sunday afternoon time slot when no one is listening anyway.
Before he made the jump, Stern sold us on something like 33 cents per day or 45 cents per day to hear him on Sirius. Okay – then let me pay just the 45 cents on each day that he’s in the building. In August, I would have paid $3.60 to hear Howard and his crew.
I can’t tell you how happy I am that the merger went through. I really do like satellite radio and I really do enjoy listening to the Howard Stern Show. But paying the $14 that I pay each month (tax included) is not worth what I’m getting in terms of service. I hear that with the merger there will be an option to get 50 channels of your choice and pay $6.99 per month. Let’s get that figured out and in motion already!
I didn’t know Howard was working the Undertaker schedule!
A-MEN. Seriously, this has gotten way out of hand. Howard can launch immediately into “well dont listen then!”….thats fine and good, but at least be honest with yourself and fans. Why do people who pay for a service, and pay for service to listen to while they work want to listen to someone complain about how much they hate coming in. Also, the original content really hasnt been that amazing since arriving at sirius. I mean the confessions really set the tone for the past 2-3 years…everything is based on things going on in Artie or Robin’s life, and its unfortunately sort of worn thin at this point. The schedule on Howard Tv has been pulled waaay back as well.
Disappointed 20 year fan, thanks.
I agree. I live in Arizona and sometimes stay up even later than I would like to hear the first 2 hours of his show. (The most interesting time in my opinion.) It always kills me when its some stupid show with Jackie and his lame jokes, or about some irrelevant celebrity from 1984. I am also really angry that the show started off 5 days a week with 2 minute commercial breaks and now reverted back to the 10+ minutes of crappy ads and newsbreaks, and they can’t even come in on Friday. I don’t think they get that the summer time is when a lot of listeners go on vacation and miss hearing the show even more than if it was a regular work day. maybe vacation in the winter?
Eddie T. – If only we were all so lucky!
bob – Couldn’t agree more. I do enjoy listening to Artie’s stories, but in moderation. And I get burned up when I hear Howard say that he wishes his contract was up already. Hey – we’re paying for this, damn it! Show us some respect!
Erin – The first two hours of the show are usually the best. And you’re dead on when talking about irrelevant guests from 20 years ago. It’s a radio show – no one cares about crap from 10 – 20 years past! Finally, I absolutely hate their commercial/crappy ad break. I’ve begun calling them “non-live content breaks” since they usually play some stupid Howard News segment that nobody cares about as well as overused prank calls for bumpers. They suck up almost 10 minutes in bumpers and news updates alone!
Does anyone know if they are definitely on vacation this week or not? (Sept 2 -4)
I’m pretty sure they’re back this week, though it’s stupid since they’re going on a 3 day work week.