Some of you may remember a few months ago when I noted that I was quoted and referenced in a recent article. This was the second time that I was featured in the newspaper, though the first time I was featured it was in an above-the-fold headline story with my face plastered all over the front page. Yeah, it was pretty cool.
But the latest article was an online-only publication and while the first article no longer has the bevy of ignorant comments listed underneath it, the second article certainly has some comments that make you go “Hmmm…” (my thanks to the C&C Music Factory for the reference!).

Huh? Wuh? Some people don't seem to be able to think...
Or, in pug terminology (as shown in the pictures above), some of the comments on the recent student loan article had me cocking my head to the side wondering what the hell I was reading. While I admit that the comments were in no way as ignorant or arrogant as the ones that were posted after my first student loan article was published, some of these comments were just mind-boggling. For example, the following comments were posted:
“The horror of having roommates and driving an 11 year old car. My god, what a huge sacrifice!! I had roommated til I was 30, went off on my own for a year, got engaged and then got married. I would probably still have roommates if I found some cool enough. Why not live a cheap as possible?”
Now this moron couldn’t spell roommates seemed to misinterpret an otherwise very easy, simply element of my story. You see, my story was about how I managed to pay off so much of my student loan debt in so short a period of time. As was cited earlier in the very same story that this guy was commenting on, I live with roommates and drive a well-worn 2000 Honda Civic. Those aren’t complaints – they are just methods by which I spend less money and thus put more money towards paying for student loans. Now, imagine how downright stupid this person must be to have read that portion of my story and interpreted it as me complaining rather than sharing a good strategy for saving some money to ultimately put towards repaying student loans. I’m tell you, some people are just dumb. Here’s another one.
“You graduate from college with $100k+ in loans and no special skills, what you expect. At least he is paying off, many are not.”
Okay, well the second part of this comment is dead on accurate – I’m paying off my student loans instead of bitching and moaning about how I can’t afford them or woe is me or whatever, blah, blah, blah. But how ignorant – how downright dumb – can someone be to think that I graduated from college with no special skills? Really? REALLY? You think that someone who is 30 years old could manage to pay off about $75,000 in student loan principal and about $30,000 in student loan interest over a 4 year period and NOT have any special skills that are clearly desirable in the job market?
Really? Are people honestly that stupid? Look, I could go on and on about how I’m one of the leading financiers of a very niche community-based industry in New Jersey, but something tells me that the dull-minded person who wrote that stupid comment would read about what I do for a living and go, “Wuh?” Idiot.
Those were the two comments that had me mimicking the pugs in the picture above. However, most of all I find myself appalled at the comments where people say shit like, “Well, I went to college and paid for it all by myself with no student loans – so why DON’T YOU!?!?” Ugh. I guess that everyone’s life situation has to be like that person’s life situation, huh? Talk about the epitome of ignorance and arrogance.
Anyway, just sharing some frustrations with the public display of ignorance and stupidity that was unfortunately posted on Now, back to the reality of demolishing my student loans!
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