With the economy in the dumps, many retailers are hoping that the day-after-Thanksgiving tradition of shoppers spending like crazy people will help lift their companies’ bottom lines. The day after Thanksgiving is actually called “black” Friday because it kicks off the official holiday shopping seasons – a time in which most retailers see their annual net operating income go from the red (losing money) into the black (making money). But with people holding on to their scarce dollars and the fear that these dollars may become scarcer in the coming months, will the holiday shopping season be enough to bring significant gains to the market?
For my part, I usually go shopping the day after Thanksgiving in part because of the hysteria of the day and in part because there are great deals to be found if you look for them. One of the places that I go to look for these deals is Black Friday Ads. This is a site that posts the much sought after Black Friday specials and sales for all of the major retailers. A few years ago a consortium of retailers tried to have this site shut down arguing that they were sharing private information. However, the popularity of the site proved that consumers want to know about Black Friday deals well in advance of the wee hours of that Friday morning.
Being led by the shrewd business people that some of them are, a few companies used this critical market research to begin publicizing their Black Friday specials on their websites in advance of the actual holiday. This Christmas season has seen yet another shift in strategy as major companies like Wal-Mart are now offering “Pre-Black Friday” sales. For example, Wal-Mart offered a $298 Compaq laptop computer (only 10 per location) on the morning of November 8th. I think Wal-Mart has the right idea here because they are rewarding those early shoppers with great deals and keeping some of the hysteria in place associated with the Black Friday aura.
At the end of last year’s Christmas season I was sure to pick up a good supply of the “other” things that celebrators need for this time of the year: bows, holiday scented candles, Christmas cards, tags, tape, tissue paper, Christmas boxes, etc. That stuff can actually add up if bought in one pre-Christmas Day purchase! All I need to get this year are the presents to fill the wrapping paper and for which to place the tags. I don’t anticipate going crazy this year for Christmas, but I do have an idea of what I am going to buy for everyone on my list.
Haven’t checked that list twice yet, though… 🙂
Great article and after visiting and comparing BFads.net with some of the other BF sites, I would agree BFADS.net is in my option the best.
I like the extra infomation they give about some of the black friay products and telling me if the BF ad posted is in fact really a great deal or not. Also I didn’t realize I could get great deals now before black friay, via BFads hotter than BF specials. I am looking for a laptop and my husband for a big screen tv.
Thanks for letting me know about this great site. I can’t wait to show my husband tonight.
P.S. I entered the daily prize give aways bfads.net is offering. It is great I only have to enter once and I am automatically entered every day from now until black friday.
Thanks again,
Sally W.
We don’t have a day like Black Friday in Canada, but watching the coverage it gets on the news it totally looks like no buys. I know the media has a tendency to put a bad or false face on things sometimes, but crowds like that…ugg. and on the scale of enjoyable ways to spend a Friday, getting my head kicked in so some dude can get to the last XBox isn’t way up there. the hysteria of the day is the exact reason I’d stay home and hit Amazon. Guess it’s one of those cultural things or something, but it just has never made sense to me why people would go out and subject themselves to things like that…especially people like you who admittedly hates waiting in lines.
I HATE waiting in lines – seriously, the thought of it just made me shake a little bit. Especially when there are stupid people in line in front of you that are just fucking everything up.
I go out on Black Friday more as a tradition. It’s sort of like I know what I’m getting myself into on that day. In America we have what is called “Cyber Monday” which takes place the Monday after Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Pretty much what that means is that everyone is back at the office on Monday and pissed that they couldn’t get that specific nick knack at the store…so instead of being productive for their company, they’re shopping online.
You can get some good deals on that Monday, too.
You’re welcome. It’s a good site and it gets better as the day gets near – enjoy!
The tradition thing makes sense. I guess in a way it’s kind of like going out for the Running of the Bulls every year. You know it’s probably going to end badly, but…
I’m also a glutton for punishment. That plays a part, too.